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Showing posts from September, 2019

The road to Berlin

It's all about the journey As I sit here, it's only 3 more days till I toe the starting line of the 2019 Berlin Marathon and it's probably the most excited I've ever been about a race (I probably said the same thing last year at some other race but hey, it adds to the story, right?). It's also the most intense training programme I've done to-date without a doubt. I remember talking to my good friend and coach Daniel Trejo back in May about it (he wasn't my coach at the time) thinking I would ease myself into it by ramping up the mileage between May and July and be ready to start training properly after my holidays. Well, that didn't happen... Instead, I was sent a high intensity programme that started like, the day after. In time, I must admit it got easier to manage despite of the high demands in terms of time and quality sessions plus peripheral conditioning needed to survive without injuries. Here we are talking about weights, core exercises,