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Showing posts from April, 2020

Adjusting expectations during COVID19

COVID-19 re-defined what normal is It's day 852 of the COVID19 quarantine. People on Instagram have stopped posting photos of cute and crazy ideas they've come up with and replaced them with old holiday pictures of what normal used to be. Being a runner, I've started going through my Garmin log to look at the stats of all the races I can't do at the moment with the same affection. We lost our sense of purpose At the start of our quarantine in Ireland, I was mostly frustrated by the fact that the Paris marathon had been cancelled 4 weeks before the big day. All the training I had done was going to the bin and I didn't know what to do about it. My big goal had been taken away from me.  With only 4 weeks to go before the marathon, my training was coming along nicely and I felt confident I could achieve a new PB. I had just run the Bohermeen half marathon with a new PB   and all of the sudden, boom! There was nothing to train for, no Paris, no purpose. I...